Self Managed
Deploy HyperTest on self managed kubernetes cluster using Microk8s
Tech Stack Overview
Microk8s: MicroK8s is a light weight kubernetes tool to easily get a multi-node highly available kubernetes cluster.
Longhorn: Longhorn is cloud-native distributed block storage for Kubernetes that is easy to deploy and upgrade, 100 percent open source and persistent.
Prometheus: Prometheus is a free software application used for event monitoring and alerting. It records real-time metrics in a time series database built using a HTTP pull model, with flexible queries and real-time alerting.
Grafana: Grafana is a multi-platform open source analytics and interactive visualization web application. It provides charts, graphs, and alerts for the web when connected to supported data sources.
Files Content Overview
This guide will use few scripts for bringing up the cluster via microk8s and deployments. Below is a brief overview of scripts functionality. - This script will run on every node and install microk8s on them. - This script will run on master node for deploying HyperTest controller and other storage and monitoring solutions along with enabling ingress. It will label and taint nodes accordingly and deploy applications on them.
ht-ingress-storage-classes.yaml - This file is used to create a storage class and ingress class which will be used by HyperTest deployments.
1. Create Ubuntu VM's (>=22.04 LTS)
We will be dedicating a few nodes for data storage to longhorn, and hence other application deployments will not be scheduled on those nodes.
You should have root user access of Ubuntu VM's
5 Ubuntu VM's: 1 kubernetes master node, 1 HyperTest master node, 1 HyperTest worker node and 2 longhorn storage nodes
Minimum Requirement:
3 Ubuntu VM’s: 1 kubernetes master node, 1 HyperTest master node, 1 longhorn storage node
Kubernetes Master and HyperTest nodes should have a minimum of 4vCPU and 4Gib RAM and 20GiB disk
Longhorn storage node should have minimum of 4vCPU and 4Gib RAM and 1TB disk
Getting Started
Cluster Setup
1. Installation of Microk8s in master node
ssh into master node
Run the below script for installation of microk8s in master node
The below scripts first installs nfs-common and open-iscsi which are dependencies for longhorn, then it installs microk8s in VM
2. Installation of microk8s on worker nodes
ssh into worker node
Run the below script for installation of microk8s in worker node
Repeat the above steps in every worker node you wish to join to k8s cluster
3. Join worker nodes to master node
ssh into master node
Run the following command
From the output copy the line “microk8s join –worker” to join other node as a worker node, else remove –worker flag from end to join as a master node and create a highly available cluster
ssh into worker node
Run the microk8s join command copied from above (use sudo if required)
Do this from all VM’s you want to join to microk8s cluster
If the output of join command says token is expired or invalid, get a fresh token by running "sudo microk8s add-node" in master node and repeat later steps
ssh into master node
Check whether all the nodes have successfully joined the cluster and are in Ready state
Storage and Ingress Classes
ssh into master node
Create ht-ingress-storage-classes.yaml file with as shown below
Create the Storage class and Ingress class using the following command
HyperTest Deployment
1. Deployment of HyperTest Controller-Service
Run the below script for deployment of HyperTest controller-service
Edit the below script and replace the name of nodes (from worker1,2,3 and 4) to VM’s name you are using for hypertest_master_node, hypertest_worker_node and longhorn_storage_node and save and close the file. I If you are going with lesser VM's and don't have a dedicated hypertest worker node or so then pass it as an empty string
The above script will label and taint the 4 types of nodes in the cluster as below
Taints: none
Labels: none
Workload: general purpose pods such as nginx controllers etc
2. Access services on respective ports
List services for longhorn, prometheus, grafana etc and note the nodePort the services are exposed on
Get the master IP of cluster
If VM’s were created using multipass or similar software: MasterIP is IP of master node
If VM’s were created using EC2 Instance or similar: MasterIP is master node instance’s PublicIP
Access HyperTest dashboard on on https://<MasterIP>
Note the nodePort of longhorn-frontend, prometheus-k8s and grafana svc and access their UI on http://<MasterIP>:<nodePort>
Currently used nodePorts are listed below, they might change in future so verify by listing services
Longhorn UI: 32005
Prometheus UI: 32006
Grafana UI: 32007 (default username and password is admin/admin)
After deploying HyperTest, setup the DNS records by following the below guide
Last updated