Configure HyperTest

Note that a detailed explanation for every configuration parameter can be found in HyperTest itself, on the configuration page under the "Description" tab.

The Basic setup

Before you are able to run any analysis by HyperTest, it needs to be configured. The configuration can be found in the dashboard home. You can generate a "template" that can be edited as per requirement. The configuration tab can be found on the dashboard home.

Required parameters

After generating a template, You need to provide some parameters that are absolutely mandatory for HyperTest to become functional. Following is a list:

  • PRIMARY_BASE_URL: Address of the Primary version of the application.

  • CANDIDATE_BASE_URL: Address of the Candidate version of the application.

  • SERVICE_NAME: The name of the application on which test analyses are run.

  • HEALTH_CHECK: The endpoint of the health check in your application. If you do not have one, you can specify any endpoint that exists.

  • VALID_HEALTH_STATUS_CODES: The response code that is sent by the application on making a request at the "HEALTH_CHECK" endpoint.

While HyperTest needs a lot more parameters to actually work, they have a default value assigned to them

Advanced configuration

Advanced parameters can be used to perform tasks like redaction, blocking and ignoring specific requests/responses. Check out the parameter description on the configuration page.

Optional configuration

The configuration section also contains some optional settings, that are absolutely optional. They offer functionalities that do not affect the analyses that are run by HyperTest.










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