Existing Application Load Balancer
1. Deploy ingress-nginx-controller
We'll use ingress-nginx as ingress in the cluster, if you are already using ingress-nginx then it would only update the existing one without making any changes
Latest version of ingress-nginx-controller can be found here. This guide assumes version 1.3.0
Once deployed check if the namespace “ingress-nginx” has been deployed by running kubectl get ns
2. Create Target Group
Create a target group from Amazon UI with below details:
Name: hypertest-ingress-nginx-controller
Target Type: IP Address
Protocol: HTTP
Port: 1
VPC: Select your VPC
Protocol Version: HTTP1
Health Check Protocol: HTTP, Path: /healthz
Go to next page, then create target group
3. Attach Load Balancer to target group
Go to your load balancer -> Listener
Edit rules for HTTP 80
Add a new rule
Add condition: Host header is *.hypertest.<your domain>
Add action: Select your target group
4. Create Target Group Binding
Create a file ht-nginx-target-group.yaml as shown below:
Create the target group binding using the following command
Verify the targets are registered in target group, the health check will be failing right now. We will have to attach our security group to cluster's security group for it.
5. Attach Load balancer's Security Group to cluster's Security Group
We need to allow incoming request from load balancer in cluster. To do this an inbound rule should be added allowing request from Load balancer's SG.
The load Balancer SG should have below inbound rules and outbound rules
Copy the load balancer's security group's id
Find your cluster's security group
Create an inbound rule in cluster's security group
Type: HTTP
Source: Custom
In field box, enter <your security group>
Description: enter your load balancer name
Save rule
Verify the health check of targets
6. Creating storage and ingress classes
Create a file ht-ingress-storage-classes.yaml as shown below
Create the ingress and storage class using the following command
After creating ingress and storage classes, we will now deploy HyperTest controller. Please refer the below guide for the same.
Last updated